OM Blog + Press
Welcome to the dark half of the year!
Welcome to the dark half of the year!
We have just passed through the portal of the Autumn Equinox, the day of absolute balance between day and night, light and dark. And now, here in the Northern Hemisphere, the darkness grows with each passing day.
Many of us shudder at the thought of the dark, cold winter that approaches, and we long for tropical getaways.
Yup. I am certainly guilty as charged! So I have to ask:
What is it about the darkness that we resist so much?
As the leaves change color and fall to the ground, the life-force of the natural world drops down and deep inside the Earth. It is a time of rest, of quiet, of stillness.
For a moment, get very still and quiet. Close your eyes and let your awareness drop down and into the depths of the Earth beneath you. Feel into the vast mystery of the deep, dark, moist, dense, earthy mass. Continue to drop your awareness deeper in and down as you notice what arises for you.
For some of us, still and quiet is quite challenging. When there are no distractions, we are left to face ourselves.
Whoa, scary! Our own personal demons terrify us more than anything. And, befriending those demons, the darkness inside of ourselves, is absolutely essential on a spiritual path of service.
Michelle Sky writes, "We must be confidant that we can handle the darkness, as well as the light."
And with the balance of the Equinox still so fresh, now is a wonderful time to begin a practice of embracing and befriending the darkness, both outside in Nature, and within ourselves. As the nights gradually grow longer, we can take little baby steps each day to help us welcome the dark half of the year.
Some of my favorite ways to befriend the dark include:
- long, hot, yummy baths (with lots of essential oils)
- a crackling fire and hot cocoa
- a pretty pen and time with my journal to get all of those weird thoughts out of my head
- candles, incense and plump cushions
- cooking nourishing and delicious food
- playing and singing devotional music
- gear up - get what you need to stay warm and head outside to play (especially on Full Moon nights)
As one of my Goddess songs says, "It is required to study in the Temple of the Night."
So why not invite it in like you would a dear friend. Listen to it, hold it in your arms, love it, and see what it has to teach you.
Dayna Seraye
New Moon Magic - Illuminating the Solar Feminine
Sisters, are you standing in your power?
Many of us define the feminine as soft, passive, sweet, gentle, nurturing, receptive…
But what about the Mama Lioness who fiercely protects her cubs? What role does She — the strong, bold, vivacious, wild, liberated, independent, passionate, creative feminine — have to play?
The last moon cycle of Beltane we explored the spectrum of masculine and feminine energies, and the integration and balance of these energies within us and in the world. Now, as we move towards the Solstice and the radiant expansive energy of the bright summer sun, from this foundation of balance, we turn towards the solar energies.
Just as the lunar energies have been designated as feminine, the solar energies have largely been defined as masculine.
But the Solar Feminine is as integral a part of us as is the Lunar Masculine, and we need access to the Mama Lioness to call upon in times of need.
She is Shakti, Sekhmet, Pele, Kali, Aine, Brigid, Bast… She has a thousand names in a thousand languages.
She is the force of nature that creates, sustains and protects that which she loves no holds barred.
With the new moon energy of rest and reflection, allow yourself to feel into your Solar Feminine.
- What aspects of your life are worth cultivating and protecting?
- How do you do that from a place of wholeness and balance so as not to burn out, but to instead sustainably fuel your passions and gifts to the world?
- In what ways can your Solar Feminine support your medicine path?
As the summer dawns on us and the heat builds, may the blessings of the Goddess shine radiantly in our hearts.
Dayna Seraye
RAPTURE The Goddess and Her Consort
New Moon, Beltane 2014
On this deep dark moon, there are whispers of excitement all around. The flowers dance in anticipation. The green shoots rise up, alert and expectant. The water bubbles and the faeries delight in the joy of what is to come.
It is Beltane. It is the celebration of Life.
The Goddess opens to Her Consort. The fertile Earth jubilantly receives the warmth of the Sun. The Divine Feminine joins together with the Divine Masculine in the Spirit of Creation, and consciousness is born.
It is this union that creates the magic of new life.
It is this alchemical union that ensures the growth and abundance necessary to sustain life and makes the world go round.
And it is what we are all seeking, deep down: Alchemical Relationship. We want to experience the magic of creation unfolding with each blessed moment. We want to embody the Goddess and the God, together.

Easier said than done? Perhaps. And so we look to Nature. We coax the Sun to shine boldly down onto the Earth withour songs, our laughter and our prayers. We lure Him with the generous expressions of our love. We welcome Him for all that He is, and we show up in our fullness to receive Him.
We can dear sisters. We will. We are.
It is time.
And so it is.
Wishing you a delicious Beltane full of sensual delight ~
Dayna Seraye