OM Blog + Press
Must Have Coachella Fashion Blog
Coachella has its own style, its own language. Short shorts, short shirts, short music sets and lots of short but sweet conversations. The OM Collection was born out of a love for travel, a passion for dance and music, and a desire to express free spirit wherever life takes you. So whether you're heading to Coachella soon, or you're simply being inspired by it from a far, be inspired by these must have Coachella fashion picks:
Burning Man
Once a year, thousands of people embark upon an epic journey to Black Rock City, where they seek fun, adventure, and an almost unavoidable taste of self awareness and ideally personal expression. The OM Collection is known as a yoga clothing company, but at our core we seek to help women and men feel beautiful and embodied so that they may better express their true nature.
What to Wear to a Yoga Festival
Summer brings more than warm weather, abundant sunshine, and sundresses - most importantly, summer brings festivals! Headed to a festival this summer, but need a little inspiration (or guidance) in what to wear? Have no fear! We’re going to give you the best style tips on what to wear to YOUR festival depending on the kind of festival-goer YOU are.